Thursday, November 23, 2017

What are the feasible and valid ways to build these models?

Using analogies, to project the abstract stuff to concrete stuff.

To play a step further, transform/translate the analogical terms into the physical models, for example, the net, the weaving, the tree-structure, the machine-operating, the creating of the play.

During the process, different name can represent same things/similar things, so we need to figure out what operations are need to get the whole-elephant.

An article about ontology in education implore the fact that, compared to the field of physics, how the field of education are in kind of mess in terms of the ontology.

The result? Mis-communication, in-effectiveness of educating novices in the fields, after dozens of years of research findings, in-effective practice stays the same. In other words, these patterns/theories failed to be in the expression: easy to understand, easy to learn, easy to apply etc.

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