Thursday, November 23, 2017

All fields involving the ways of thinking need the new SIGN-system

Learning science is not the only field which will benefit from having a SIGN-system that enable communicators to build the physical models in their minds.

The abstractness exist everywhere, so long as the concreteness/visualization fail to be built, there will be great obstacles for people to use the patterns, or even find the new patterns in the field. Basically, all humane science, or even the engineer worlds need to represent how people think, learn, communicate, or even innovate in a more visualized way.

The mass-media fields have always tried to find better ways: the Japanese Cartoons use the thinking cloud, and years later, the TV dramas might adopt the thinking clouds too. The radio talk shows can effectively say it aloud how a person thinks; then years later, the narrator’s way become popular in TV dramas, like in the Grey’s anatomy, like in the movie of ‘Life of Pi’. Even in the short-drama, people are creative in creating all the background settings, the setting objects, or those non-humane objects with using the real persons. Not mentioning the digital technology in simulation.

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